Freqently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The ‘MPP’ team is dedicated to creating awareness and increasing community engagement as regards missing people. We partner with various organisations, both governmental and non-governmental to provide support to families and loved ones of missing people. Our efforts are multidimensional and include discounted advertising rates, subsidised psychological treatment costs, etc.
Thanks to our team of partners, volunteers and funders, we do not charge to upload a missing persons case. It is absolutely free to list someone on the MPP Website. Every upload/ listing comes with a shareable link. However, there are certain services we provide that do incur a charge. To find out more please visit our ‘add-ons’ page.
Contact us via email to get more details about optional Add-on Packages.
[email protected]
There is currently no database of missing persons in Nigeria.
Any person, whether adult or child, whose whereabouts (or identity) are unknown and there are genuine fears and concerns for the safety and wellbeing of that individual
You can report a person missing as soon as their whereabouts become unknown and you have serious concerns for their safety and welfare.
To upload a missing person’s information on our website, you do not need to have a police report. However, please keep in mind that until you submit a police report alongside your upload, all information and posters will be marked as ‘unverified’. We recommend reporting a missing person to the police in order to ensure that there is a unified effort in searching for them.
If you cannot find someone and have serious concerns for their safety or wellbeing, then you should file a report with the police. You can also upload any relevant information about the person on our website with the option of increasing awareness through newspaper ads, radio ads etc.
You should contact the nearest police station with the most relevant details. If report has also been made on the website, you may click on the ‘provide and update’ button with the relevant information. A member of the team will reach out to you within 24-48 hours.
You should go to your listing on the website, click on the ‘provide an update’ button and enter any information you may have. Our team will be notified immediately and you should get a call from us within 24-48 hours. If you have filed a report with the police, you should also inform them of any updates.
Parental abductions occur when a child has been taken by a parent without consent. The child is not considered a missing person unless there is evidence to suggest threat or danger to the child. In this case, we recommend that you file a report with your local police.
Yes. All details about missing persons are kept confidential and are not made available to the public unless permission has been granted by the family of the missing person and/or investigating police officers if a report was filed with the police.
When reporting at the Police Station for a missing loved one you would need the following:
- A recent picture of the Missing loved one
- A detailed information of the person which includes:
- The missing person's full name and date of birth;
- Details of where and when the missing person was last seen or heard from;
- a full physical description of the missing person, including the clothing worn when they were last seen and any distinguishing features
We are unable to accept entries into the missing person’s database by telephone. There is a need to verify all uploads, therefore we require that you create an account on the website prior to uploading any information
No. Anyone can report a missing/ unidentified person if there are genuine fears for their safety and wellbeing.
We may be able to put an appeal for your relative on our website. We also are willing to give you advice regarding other organisations and international agencies that may be able to help. You can contact us via email at [email protected].
Please contact the ‘MPP’ team immediately at [email protected] and make your way to your nearest police station who will be able to provide more assistance.
If you are reported missing it is important that the person who filed the report, as well as the police, are informed of your whereabouts, safety and welfare. If you feel this has been done in error or are looking to get in contact with the person who has reported you missing, please call any of our helplines, or send us an email via [email protected].
No. The Missing Person’s Platform is an independent organisation. However, we work in collaboration with a range of partners across Nigeria including local police forces.
The Missing Persons Platform has an Ethics Policy to ensure that decisions about our partnerships and the information we chose to share are consistent and in keeping with the organisation’s vision and aims.
Most times, missing people are found safe within 72 hours. However, this is not always the case, that is why we encourage family and loved ones to continue to raise awareness until a person is found.
Although we allow anyone to submit information on our website using just their phone number, we do not mark any case as ‘verified’ until we have received a police report from the person who made the submission. Until then, all posters and appeals are marked in red as ‘unverified’. We ask you to be conscientious about sharing posters and appeals that are marked ‘unverified’
Of course! To volunteer, please send us an email via [email protected]
We are happy and willing to receive donations as well as partner with individuals/organisations who align with the mission of the Platform. Please click this link to get more information on how to partner with us and the various types of partnerships.
We are dedicated to raising awareness and are grateful for opportunities to talk about the organisation and our services. If you would like us to send a representative to speak at an event please send an email to [email protected] with details of the purpose of the talk, date, time, location, and attendance.
We at the Missing Persons Platform are well aware of the psychological, social, and financial effects that accompany missing person cases. That is why we have partnered with key organisations suited to providing support in any one of these areas. For more information, you can visit our ‘Resources’ page, or contact the team via email via [email protected].
We recognise that sometimes financial constraints make it harder for people to raise adequate awareness of a missing person’s case. In certain circumstances, we may be able to link you with a partner organisation who, after a review of your case, might be willing to pay for you to access our add-ons. If you would like to know if you are eligible for this, please send us an email at [email protected].